The latest news on COVID-19:

During the COVID-19 crisis, get updates and information at ADA and your state’s website. Please follow the official guidance, stay safe and help limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Contact Us if you have more questions and thank you for your cooperation.

The latest news on COVID-19:

During the COVID-19 crisis, get updates and information at ADA and your state’s website. Please follow the official guidance, stay safe and help limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Contact Us if you have more questions and thank you for your cooperation.

Dental Geek

Dental Geek

The Dental Industry’s Hook

Last week, Lanmark360’s Communication Manager wrote about her first year in the dental industry. There’s a general observation that once you’re in dental, you’re hooked. It turns out many can relate, and the response to this post was overwhelming. This whole theory of being a lifer in dental is further exemplified by Michael Dunn in his…

One Year in the Tooth Biz

This July, I celebrated my one-year anniversary of working in the dental industry. I studied communications in college, and being the jock that I am, found myself working at a sports communications company right after graduation. After two years, and multiple lunches where my all-male coworkers rattled off sports trivia and statistics for an hour…

The History of Dentistry in Pictures

I recently came across a pictorial history of dental technology through the ages. This page starts with the very beginnings of dentistry in the Indus Valley and ancient Mesopotamia. It is so exciting to see how far we have come! I can’t wait to see what the future holds, be it stem cell-generated tooth buds…

Pass the Remote

A recent trend in dental technology is not directly related to tools or armamentarium, but rather to patient care and comfort. A growing number of dentists are installing ceiling-mounted televisions in their operatories. These televisions allow any patient, fearful or calm, a distraction from the sometimes unpleasant task at hand. I guess it should not…

The iPad Effect

It seems like everywhere I look in the dental world these days I’m finding iPad giveaways. Whether the giveaway is offered by a publication, a practice for referring a friend, or a supplier attempting to boost their social media traffic, the iPad giveaway is everywhere.  People are using them constantly, exemplified by my June 8th…

Wake-Up Call for Me

An extremely fast-growing segment of my business in dental is “social media” — blogging, texting, tweeting, Facebooking… the whole gamut. There are hundreds of thousands of sites where people from around the world talk about every topic imaginable. Dentaltown is an excellent and well-established social media site for dental professionals. These dental-related social media sites…

Where did the Passion go?

I fondly remember my mom leaning over the bathroom sink with me and giving me my first “grown-up toothbrush.” Actually, it is one of my earliest memories. I remember brushing my teeth with my sister’s “Pearl Drops Tooth Gel” (am I showing my age?). I just returned from a week-long trip with all of my…