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During the COVID-19 crisis, get updates and information at ADA and your state’s website. Please follow the official guidance, stay safe and help limit the spread of the coronavirus.

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The iPad Effect

Author: Dental Geek
06.16.11 / 9:45 am

It seems like everywhere I look in the dental world these days I’m finding iPad giveaways. Whether the giveaway is offered by a publication, a practice for referring a friend, or a supplier attempting to boost their social media traffic, the iPad giveaway is everywhere.  People are using them constantly, exemplified by my June 8th tweet below.

To me, the iPad is something I would love to have, but could never justify spending the money on when I have a perfectly functional, albeit heavy, laptop. Although it’s tempting to throw down $499 to have the power of Fruit Ninja at my fingertips, do I really need it? No.

For all you tech-savvy folks out there, did you purchase an iPad, or were you among the lucky ones to receive the touch-screen tablet on someone else’s dime? Now that you have one, could you ever live without it?



Dental Geek

Dental Geek

2 responses to “The iPad Effect”

  1. It seemed like every exhibitor at last month’s CDA show was offering the chance to “Win an iPad.” That kind of over-saturation makes you wonder if the iPad is still a draw for dentists. Is there something they’d would rather win?

  2. I don’t know how I functioned before the iPad. Aside from a couple flash movied – it does EVERYTHING and more. It has made my travels so much lighter.