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Seven Ways the Cloud Protects Patient Data

Author: Trevor James
Trevor James

Trevor James

Trevor James is the marketing manager for Dentrix Ascend, a cloud-based dental practice management software and Viive, dental practice software for Macs.
04.01.15 / 3:31 pm

Seven Ways the Cloud Protects Patient Data-The Dental Geek

Privacy is a critical issue for every healthcare organization, including dental practices. Your patients trust you with their dental health records, so you don’t ever want them to lose trust or confidence in you. Nor do you want to face the serious legal and financial costs of a security breach.

In dentistry, protecting patient data comes second only to providing high-quality patient care. As a result, practices are understandably concerned about how a cloud-based practice management solution protects their patient information. The fact is, business-class cloud solutions deliver higher levels of security than traditional on-site practice management solutions.

Understanding the unique capabilities offered by cloud-based solutions helps you see the security advantages the cloud can provide.

What is a Cloud-Based System?

The cloud is a metaphor for the internet. Cloud computing moves the computing resources your dental practice uses from your on-site servers to professionally managed off-site server farms. So instead of purchasing, installing, and maintaining dental software on your own machines, you now access your computing resources through a secure internet connection.

You may already be using cloud-based computing, even if your dental practice currently doesn’t. If you shop or bank online, you trust your sensitive information to the cloud. If it’s safe enough for you and your sensitive information, then cloud computing is also safe enough for your practice and patient data.

The right cloud-based solutions are able to improve your overall data security with enterprise-level protection.

With advanced technology, cloud-based management solutions better protect your patients, their information, and your practice by tapping into environments that deliver the highest-level security technology.

Here are seven ways cloud-based solutions protect your data:

1. Prevent Unauthorized Access

You may think keeping data stored in-house is your safest option, but your client-server model most likely means sensitive information is currently stored on unsecure servers, computers, and other devices. This makes on-site data vulnerable to falling into the wrong hands. For example, a staff member may have access to patient data and could release it by accident or deliberately. Cloud-based systems prevent the unauthorized access and release of your sensitive patient data.

2. Constantly Monitor Data

Does someone monitor your data every night, weekend, and holiday? Your answer is probably no. When you use a cloud-based system, your electronic records are safe and secure every second of every day in the advanced data centers created to store and protect this delicate data.

3. Verify User Identities

With cloud-based solutions, you must verify your identity and your right to access sensitive information. Your data isn’t stored on office devices that anyone can access. Instead, you decide which staff members have access to what kinds of information. The cloud prevents curious or malicious employees from accessing information they shouldn’t.

4. Halt Hackers and Data Thieves

Hackers target the weakest systems they can find, no matter what type of system. A recent study showed physical theft of hard drives and paper records were the most significant HIPAA security breaches. Hacking only made up 6% of those incidents. When you use a reputable cloud-based solution, the risk of data theft is even lower because your patient information is in the hands of top-notch security professionals who specialize in strong data protection.

5. Comply with Regulations

Security means pleasing your patients and the government by complying with privacy regulations such as HIPAA. Cloud-based solutions reduce the burden of maintaining compliance with security regulations, saving you time and money.

6. Back Up Your Data Automatically

Studies show that 40-60% of backups aren’t properly conducted, resulting in unrecoverable data. Cloud-based solutions eliminate backup worries. Every server, hard drive, and other hardware components in data storage centers are automatically backed up, meaning your information is always complete, up-to-date, and recoverable whenever you might need it.

7. Minimize Virus and Malware Infections

Malware and viruses are constant threats to your on-site computer system. A missed software or antivirus update can lead to productivity and capital losses for your dental practice. Cloud-based solutions significantly minimize these risks because your data is constantly monitored by security experts and safeguarded by the most up-to-date anti-malware technology.

Exposing or losing your patient data can severely harm your dental practice. Cloud-based practice management systems offer affordable and secure solutions to protect your practice and your patients.

For a more in-depth report on cloud security download the eBook, Keeping Patient Information Save and Secure in the Cloud

If you are interested in finding out more about cloud-based dental management systems, visit and see how Dentrix Ascend offers all the benefits of the cloud in a fresh new interface that packs the most advanced clinical, front office, and business management capabilities into a surprisingly easy and intuitive new user experience.

Trevor James

Trevor James is the marketing manager for Dentrix Ascend, a cloud-based dental practice management software and Viive, dental practice software for Macs.

Trevor James

Trevor James

Trevor James is the marketing manager for Dentrix Ascend, a cloud-based dental practice management software and Viive, dental practice software for Macs.

6 responses to “Seven Ways the Cloud Protects Patient Data”

  1. Great tips here. I definitely think all professions can benefit from the new cloud systems. It’s important to innovate and change based off of new technology as it becomes available – it can make a lot of things easier! Thanks for sharing!

  2. The Cloud is changing the way we think about data storage. Using it to store patient data is both efficient and secure! One of the biggest benefits is that most cloud services offer automatic data backups. Patient data will never get lost!

  3. The cloud is such an awesome tool for anyone in business. As has been stated by others, automatic back-up of data is a great asset to have. Being able to put all the special tech details and tech support onto specialists you can contact nearly 24/7 in most cases saves tons of headaches.